State of the Nation 2023 – Dr Paulo Fernandes


State of the Nation 2023 – Dr Paulo Fernandes says clarity is key

What do you want to hear from President Ramaphosa at #SONA23 that will have critical impact on your business?

Business confidence in South Africa is at an all-time low, and not only because of the persistent energy crisis. We have a ruling party at odds with itself over political and economic ideology, resulting in policy paralysis and the lack of an action plan to address economic growth.


This is most evident in Eskom, but also in a myriad of other state-owned enterprises and government departments at large.


I would like the President to share with us the direction clearly and unambiguously in which Government will take us over the next 5 years, and how this will be translated into clear polices and believable and actionable implementation plans, with measurable outputs and defined timeframes.


What do you want to hear from President Ramaphosa regarding his Energy Action Plan and the ongoing energy crisis?

The President must share with us the Energy Action Plan, which to date has remained vague. I would like to see a plan that gives immediate relief to the load shedding situation, and sets in motion the deregulation of energy generation, the inclusion and participation of all generating capacity, including particularly the private sector.


The President needs to provide clarity and transparency on the Government’s Energy Policy.


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